How to use your website for digital marketing

If you own a business, you need a website. A website is like an online property. It let people know that you exist and where to find you. Website is the most important part in digital marketing because you need a place where you have to direct all the traffic. Marketing with a website is a little different than traditional marketing. You are going to need a blog on your website to get traffic.

Why a blog on your website

You need blog to attract traffic. In the blog you will write useful and informational posts for people. This content would also help you with the SEO or search engine optimization. It will help you rank higher on Google search results. The higher you rank the more traffic you can get and more chances of sales will be there.

How to do better at SEO

You can optimize your blog for search results using following simple methods:

  • Install a plugin that would help you with SEO like Yoast.
  • Make sure that you use internal and external links in your posts.
  • Hire a company that provide good Infographic design services [ทำinfographic, which is the term in Thai]. Infographics are very useful for ranking. Google considers them good.
  • Make the content more readable by breaking it into smaller sentences.
  • Use lots of images in your posts. Make sure to put keyword in images as well.

Online marketing methods

You have to promote your blog and website if you really want to make good profit from it. You will have to start with investing in SEM (search engine marketing) and SMM (social media marketing).

SEM is posting ads on Google and Google display network while SMM is posting ads on different social media platforms. Both are great ways to make big in the market. You just need to lay out a plan and create best possible strategy for yourself.